I just saw a great idea from an art teacher in PA, Ashley McKee…

Let’s send some HAPPY MAIL!!

Don’t have art supplies at home or your internet is spotty…this is a perfect activity you can do alone or with your family each day or once a week to spend time together, be creative and do something kind for others.

There are so many people out there who are lonely right now. Maybe they have no one living with them in their homes or they live in a nursing home where they can’t leave their rooms or have any visitors. We can share some love and kindness with them by sending notes, pictures and letters.

You can do this for a stranger or someone you know and love, but are unable to see right now. They need to know that you are thinking of them and that they are valued by you. It’s time to boost each other’s spirits NOW! Plus, creating (even if it’s a little note for someone) is a great way to process how you are feeling right now with all the changes you have experienced. This will make you feel better and the person who receives your note will feel better too. EVERYONE WINS!!

If you are sending your note, just please remember to not lick the envelope. It is important at this time to not spread any germs, so use a small sponge to moisten the envelope.

If you don’t have a way to get your note into the mail, make one for someone you live with or leave them for your neighbors.

Make it as simple or as complex as you would like. The goal is to make connections with others in your community and to be creative with whatever you have.

Hopefully, when you send HAPPY MAIL, others will want to do the same and this will create a ripple effect with lots of people getting positivity through our art. What better time to spread kindness and love? Will you join me? I’d love as many notes to go out as possible!!

Love, Ms. Neal

Here are some tips to help you that I borrowed from Ashley McKee…

Art Resources and Ideas

Art Resources and Ideas

I know some of my students may not have a lot of art supplies just sitting around, so I’ve been putting together this list of ideas that don’t require much in materials. Hope you find this helpful.

Here’s one that only requires paper or cardboard and scissors. Cereal boxes would work great for this too. You could take it a step farther and build a whole town. Watch the video to get the directions on how to make Alexander Calder inspired paper sculptures.

Take a photo of yourself or a photo from a magazine or newspaper, cut it in half (make sure you have your family’s permission first), glue it onto a piece of white paper and draw the other half of the image. You could do this activity with any kind of image that has symmetry (equal on both sides). Focus on the lightest and darkest areas of the image when shading it. Glue your drawing onto a colored piece of paper and create a border design with patterns. This is fun to try with coloring papers also. If you can, print out a coloring page of your choice, cut it in half and try this same activity. Color one side with warm colors and the other with cool colors…warm colors: red, orange, yellow, brown, peach…cool colors: blue, green, purple, teal.

Try an optical illusion drawing. If you have a ruler, draw straight lines that come to one point in the middle of your paper. If you don’t have a ruler available, you can use anything with a straight edge. Draw curved lines that connect the two straight lines, going all the way around the center point. Color every other shape in. Choose no more than two colors for your design. Like this:

Ideas from https://www.happinessishomemade.net/36-elementary-art-lessons-for-kids/

Art Explorations to do at home

To all my amazing artistic students out there, here are some ideas for ways to stay engaged in art while at home. I’d love to see what you create or hear about your explorations when we get back to school! Feel free to send me pictures.
• Use recyclables to create a sculpture or musical instrument
• Go outside and draw from nature or use sidewalk chalk
• Create art out of leaves, bark, acorns, pine needles, sticks, rocks…like a fairy house or a design on the ground
• Explore virtual tours online of art museums
• Create digital art with various websites that incorporate artistic elements
• Write and illustrate your own book
• If you are lucky enough to have art supplies in your home, be creative and do something of your choice
• Build with Legos or blocks
• Create your own fashion designs
• Make a collage using old magazines, newspapers, or photos
• Take photos of something in a creative way
• Make a sock puppet, create a play and videotape it
• Videotape a commercial for a new product you create
• Create a dance, explore movement
• Listen to music and perform your own music
Most of all, stay healthy and have some fun. I will miss you all.
Ms. Neal